
Latest release: March 15, 2016

About this ebook series


Every soul has a plan. But if you stray from your destined path, your soul stone, called a psycholith, becomes tainted and shatters, bringing misfortune to all that encounter it. The mission of the uptight Sakurai and the free-spirited Amano – agents of a company called Livingstone – is to find souls in danger of straying and keep them pure. If your life seems to be flying off the rails, and everything just seems wrong, you’d better hope this odd couple finds you in time to put events back on course – because if they’re too late, they might just have to help you along on your journey to the next life.
Vol 1 · Nov 2015 ·

Every soul has a plan. But if you stray from your destined path, your soul stone, called a psycholith, becomes tainted and shatters, bringing misfortune to all that encounter it. The mission of the uptight Sakurai and the free-spirited Amano – agents of a company called Livingstone – is to find souls in danger of straying and keep them pure. If your life seems to be flying off the rails, and everything just seems wrong, you’d better hope this odd couple finds you in time to put events back on course – because if they’re too late, they might just have to help you along on your journey to the next life.
Vol 2 · Mar 2016 ·

Sakurai has been working with Y.K. Livingstone for a little over six months, so you would think he’d get the hang of things by now. However, his job—to clean and collect the physical form of the soul—comes with unique challenges that make things a little difficult… What’s worse, he’s been paired up with a partner who would rather play videogames than work. Dealing with life and death can be heavy business, from witnessing the power of emotional attachment, working with local law enforcement, to questioning whether animals have souls, Sakurai definitely seems to have his work cut out for him…
Vol 3 ·
Ninety percent of our lives are determined by our fate, and our fates are determined by our "souls." But every now and then, something goes wrong and the souls of those who have met an untimely fate also pollute their environs, drawing more souls into a vicious circle of ill fate. Sakurai and Amano are an odd-couple team who have been hired to deal with the problems that arise from these tainted souls and have been tasked with finding those who are heading to an early grave to either prevent them from dying or collect their livingstones before they do further damage.
Vol 4 ·
FOUND SOULS Amano has set out on a mission to find his soul, and along with Sakurai, his journey leads him to his hometown of Okinawa. As Amano seeks an answer to whether or not he can find his origins, Sakurai also seeks answers of his own. Heavy with the burden of reliving the memories of lost souls, he is haunted by the question of what exactly makes a soul. However, answering these questions entices danger, as Amano’s ever growing humanity has set him on a course for self-destruction. Will they find what they seek before it’s too late?