Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications

Latest release: December 11, 2013
Advances in Optimization and Approximation
Book 1·Dec 2013
2. The Algorithm ... ... 59 3. Convergence Analysis ... . ... 60 4. Complexity Analysis ... ... 63 5. Conclusions ... ... 67 References ... ... 67 A Simple Proof for a Result of Ollerenshaw on Steiner Trees ... 68 Xiufeng Du, Ding-Zhu Du, Biao Gao, and Lixue Qii 1. Introduction ... ... 68 2. In the Euclidean Plane ... ... 69 3. In the Rectilinear Plane ... ... 70 4. Discussion ...-. ... ... 71 References ... ... 71 Optimization Algorithms for the Satisfiability (SAT) Problem ... 72 Jun Gu 1. Introduction ... ... 72 2. A Classification of SAT Algorithms ... 7:3 3. Preliminaries ... ... IV 4. Complete Algorithms and Incomplete Algorithms ... . 81 5. Optimization: An Iterative Refinement Process ... 86 6. Local Search Algorithms for SAT ... 89 7. Global Optimization Algorithms for SAT Problem ... 106 8. Applications ... ... 137 9. Future Work ... ... 140 10. Conclusions ... ... 141 References ... ... 143 Ergodic Convergence in Proximal Point Algorithms with Bregman Functions ... . 155 Osman Guier 1. Introduction ... : ... ... 155 2. Convergence for Function Minimization ... 158 3. Convergence for Arbitrary Maximal Monotone Operators ... 161 References ... ... 163 Adding and Deleting Constraints in the Logarithmic Barrier Method for LP ... 166 D. den Hertog, C. Roos, and T. Terlaky 1. Introduction ... ... 16(5 2. The Logarithmic Darrier Method ... lG8 CONTENTS IX 3. The Effects of Shifting, Adding and Deleting Constraints ... 171 4. The Build-Up and Down Algorithm ... 177 ... 5. Complexity Analysis ... ... 180 References ... ... 184 A Projection Method for Solving Infinite Systems of Linear Inequalities ... ... 186 Hui Hu 1. Introduction ... ... 186 2. The Projection Method ... ... 186 3. Convergence Rate ... ... 189 4. Infinite Systems of Convex Inequalities ... 191 5. Application ... ... 193 References ... ...
State of the Art in Global Optimization: Computational Methods and Applications
Book 7·Dec 2013
Optimization problems abound in most fields of science, engineering, and tech nology. In many of these problems it is necessary to compute the global optimum (or a good approximation) of a multivariable function. The variables that define the function to be optimized can be continuous and/or discrete and, in addition, many times satisfy certain constraints. Global optimization problems belong to the complexity class of NP-hard prob lems. Such problems are very difficult to solve. Traditional descent optimization algorithms based on local information are not adequate for solving these problems. In most cases of practical interest the number of local optima increases, on the aver age, exponentially with the size of the problem (number of variables). Furthermore, most of the traditional approaches fail to escape from a local optimum in order to continue the search for the global solution. Global optimization has received a lot of attention in the past ten years, due to the success of new algorithms for solving large classes of problems from diverse areas such as engineering design and control, computational chemistry and biology, structural optimization, computer science, operations research, and economics. This book contains refereed invited papers presented at the conference on "State of the Art in Global Optimization: Computational Methods and Applications" held at Princeton University, April 28-30, 1995. The conference presented current re search on global optimization and related applications in science and engineering. The papers included in this book cover a wide spectrum of approaches for solving global optimization problems and applications.
Global Optimization in Engineering Design
Book 9·Apr 2013
Mathematical Programming has been of significant interest and relevance in engineering, an area that is very rich in challenging optimization problems. In particular, many design and operational problems give rise to nonlinear and mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems whose modeling and solu tion is often nontrivial. Furthermore, with the increased computational power and development of advanced analysis (e. g. , process simulators, finite element packages) and modeling systems (e. g. , GAMS, AMPL, SPEEDUP, ASCEND, gPROMS), the size and complexity of engineering optimization models is rapidly increasing. While the application of efficient local solvers (nonlinear program ming algorithms) has become widespread, a major limitation is that there is often no guarantee that the solutions that are generated correspond to global optima. In some cases finding a local solution might be adequate, but in others it might mean incurring a significant cost penalty, or even worse, getting an incorrect solution to a physical problem. Thus, the need for finding global optima in engineering is a very real one. It is the purpose of this monograph to present recent developments of tech niques and applications of deterministic approaches to global optimization in engineering. The present monograph is heavily represented by chemical engi neers; and to a large extent this is no accident. The reason is that mathematical programming is an active and vibrant area of research in chemical engineering. This trend has existed for about 15 years.
Quasidifferentiability and Nonsmooth Modelling in Mechanics, Engineering and Economics
Book 10·Nov 2013
Nonsmooth energy functions govern phenomena which occur frequently in nature and in all areas of life. They constitute a fascinating subject in mathematics and permit the rational understanding of yet unsolved or partially solved questions in mechanics, engineering and economics.
This is the first book to provide a complete and rigorous presentation of the quasidifferentiability approach to nonconvex, possibly nonsmooth, energy functions, of the derivation and study of the corresponding variational expressions in mechanics, engineering and economics, and of their numerical treatment. The new variational formulations derived are illustrated by many interesting numerical problems. The techniques presented will permit the reader to check any solution obtained by other heuristic techniques for nonconvex, nonsmooth energy problems. A civil, mechanical or aeronautical engineer can find in the book the only existing mathematically sound technique for the formulation and study of nonconvex, nonsmooth energy problems.
Audience: The book will be of interest to pure and applied mathematicians, physicists, researchers in mechanics, civil, mechanical and aeronautical engineers, structural analysts and software developers. It is also suitable for graduate courses in nonlinear mechanics, nonsmooth analysis, applied optimization, control, calculus of variations and computational mechanics.
Mathematical Classification and Clustering
Book 11·Dec 2013
I am very happy to have this opportunity to present the work of Boris Mirkin, a distinguished Russian scholar in the areas of data analysis and decision making methodologies. The monograph is devoted entirely to clustering, a discipline dispersed through many theoretical and application areas, from mathematical statistics and combina torial optimization to biology, sociology and organizational structures. It compiles an immense amount of research done to date, including many original Russian de velopments never presented to the international community before (for instance, cluster-by-cluster versions of the K-Means method in Chapter 4 or uniform par titioning in Chapter 5). The author's approach, approximation clustering, allows him both to systematize a great part of the discipline and to develop many in novative methods in the framework of optimization problems. The optimization methods considered are proved to be meaningful in the contexts of data analysis and clustering. The material presented in this book is quite interesting and stimulating in paradigms, clustering and optimization. On the other hand, it has a substantial application appeal. The book will be useful both to specialists and students in the fields of data analysis and clustering as well as in biology, psychology, economics, marketing research, artificial intelligence, and other scientific disciplines. Panos Pardalos, Series Editor.
Robust Discrete Optimization and Its Applications
Book 14·Mar 2013
This book deals with decision making in environments of significant data un certainty, with particular emphasis on operations and production management applications. For such environments, we suggest the use of the robustness ap proach to decision making, which assumes inadequate knowledge of the decision maker about the random state of nature and develops a decision that hedges against the worst contingency that may arise. The main motivating factors for a decision maker to use the robustness approach are: • It does not ignore uncertainty and takes a proactive step in response to the fact that forecasted values of uncertain parameters will not occur in most environments; • It applies to decisions of unique, non-repetitive nature, which are common in many fast and dynamically changing environments; • It accounts for the risk averse nature of decision makers; and • It recognizes that even though decision environments are fraught with data uncertainties, decisions are evaluated ex post with the realized data. For all of the above reasons, robust decisions are dear to the heart of opera tional decision makers. This book takes a giant first step in presenting decision support tools and solution methods for generating robust decisions in a variety of interesting application environments. Robust Discrete Optimization is a comprehensive mathematical programming framework for robust decision making.
Bayesian Heuristic Approach to Discrete and Global Optimization: Algorithms, Visualization, Software, and Applications
Book 17·Mar 2013
Bayesian decision theory is known to provide an effective framework for the practical solution of discrete and nonconvex optimization problems. This book is the first to demonstrate that this framework is also well suited for the exploitation of heuristic methods in the solution of such problems, especially those of large scale for which exact optimization approaches can be prohibitively costly. The book covers all aspects ranging from the formal presentation of the Bayesian Approach, to its extension to the Bayesian Heuristic Strategy, and its utilization within the informal, interactive Dynamic Visualization strategy. The developed framework is applied in forecasting, in neural network optimization, and in a large number of discrete and continuous optimization problems. Specific application areas which are discussed include scheduling and visualization problems in chemical engineering, manufacturing process control, and epidemiology. Computational results and comparisons with a broad range of test examples are presented. The software required for implementation of the Bayesian Heuristic Approach is included. Although some knowledge of mathematical statistics is necessary in order to fathom the theoretical aspects of the development, no specialized mathematical knowledge is required to understand the application of the approach or to utilize the software which is provided.
Audience: The book is of interest to both researchers in operations research, systems engineering, and optimization methods, as well as applications specialists concerned with the solution of large scale discrete and/or nonconvex optimization problems in a broad range of engineering and technological fields. It may be used as supplementary material for graduate level courses.