English Worksheets

10 books

Numerous ‘Fill in the blank’ Exercises for Improving your Vocabulary | Enter Correct Word in a Sentence

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Fill In the Blanks – 01 - 20

(Exercise 01)

01. Decision to expel them has put the lives of their kids in j _ _ _ _ _ _ y.

02. He dismissed s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s about his political ambitions.

03. He forced the Board to a _ _ _ _ _ n its working committee meeting last week.

04. She rushed to the spot after hearing the s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g of car wheels and the commotion.

05. Intelligence agencies had failed to gauge the m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e of the crisis and did not act in time.

06. It requires a lot of hard work to c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e flowers since they have a limited shelf-life.

07. O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n of women is a universal issue that has nothing to do with a certain nationality.

08. Protestors have agreed not to e _ _ _ _ _ _ e their agitation for the next 10 days.

09. Rainfall continued in many parts for the second c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e day.

10. Roof of her house had weakened by the recent spate of i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t rainfall.

11. Several appeals are pending and many convicts are l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g in jails.

12. Several localities received electricity for only a few hours and were p _ _ _ _ _ d into darkness for the most part of the night.

13. Suddenly the tables started t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g and paintings on the wall fell on the ground.

14. Tenders will be f _ _ _ _ _ d soon so that companies may be allotted the work by the next month-end.

15. The prices of vegetables shot up e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y in the recent past.

16. Their g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s are being addressed by officials concerned.

17. There is a need to t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m all the negativity into positivity.

18. Water-logging caused many low-lying areas to be s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d underwater, leading to traffic snarls.

19. We believe funds should be d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d among those who really need it.

20. Wet and chilly weather h _ _ _ _ _ _ d relief work.


01. jeopardy | 02. speculations | 03. abandon | 04. screeching | 05. magnitude | 06. cultivate | 07. oppression | 08. escalate | 09. consecutive | 10. incessant | 11. languishing | 12. plunged | 13. trembling | 14. floated | 15. exorbitantly | 16. grievances | 17. transform | 18. submerged | 19. disbursed | 20. hampered