Media and Cultural Memory

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Latest release: July 1, 2024
Gedächtniskonzepte der Literaturwissenschaft: Theoretische Grundlegung und Anwendungsperspektiven
Book 2·Sep 2010
In diesem Band werden literaturwissenschaftliche Gedächtniskonzepte erstmals systematisch erfasst und unter wissenschaftsgeschichtlichem, theoretischem und methodischem Gesichtspunkt dargestellt. Das Spektrum der vorgestellten Zugänge zum Zusammenhang von Literatur und Gedächtnis reicht von klassischen literaturwissenschaftlichen Ansätzen (Metaphernforschung, Topik-Forschung, Intertextualitätstheorien, Gattung und Gedächtnis, Kanonforschung) über narratologische und mediologische Konzepte - wie 'Mimesis', 'Zeit', 'Medialität' und 'Intermedialität' - bis hin zu innovativen interdisziplinären Synthesen von literaturwissenschaftlicher Gedächtnisforschung und den Gedächtniskonzepten der Kulturwissenschaften, der Kognitionspsychologie, Systemtheorie und Geschlechterforschung. Die Beiträgerinnen und Beiträger leisten damit einen genuin diszplinären Beitrag zu der disziplinübergreifend geführten Diskussion um Gedächtnis und Erinnerung, rücken Literatur als konstitutiven Bestandteil der kulturellen Erinnerungspraxis in den Blick und zeigen wichtige Anknüpfungspunkte für einen kulturwissenschaftlichen Dialog auf.


  • Wegweisender Sammelband zu Gedächtnistheorien und -konzepten in der Literaturwissenschaft
  • Knüpft an das in allen Kulturwissenschaften derzeit intensiv diskutierte Paradigma "Kulturelles Gedächtnis" an
  • Mit Beiträgen international renommierter Gedächtnisforscher
  • Wertvolle Fortsetzung der neuen Reihe "Media & Cultural Memory"
Literarhistorische Filmbiographien: Autorschaft und Literaturgeschichte im Kino. Mit einer Filmographie 1909–2007
Book 7·Dec 2008
1909 in den USA und 1912 in Deutschland gab es die ersten Biographien über Autorfiguren im Kino zu sehen. Die literarhistorische Filmbiographik hat seither eine reiche Tradition ausgeprägt, die in dieser Studie erstmals in Längs- und Querschnitten untersucht wird. So genannte „Dichterfilme“ entwerfen nicht nur variable Konzepte moderner Autorschaft, sondern sie schreiben auch an einer populären und intermedial narrativierten Literaturgeschichte mit. Autorschaft erweist sich dabei als Effekt filmischen Erzählens in der ökonomischen Wertschöpfungskette. Indem diese Spielfilme in hohem Maße an den Genres des Erzählkinos partizipieren und dessen Erzählmuster aufgreifen, leisten sie einen von der Forschung bisher kaum gewürdigten Beitrag zur Tradierung und Aktualisierung des kulturellen Gedächtnisses. Aufgrund ihrer narrativen Konzeption präsentieren sie literarische Texte dabei immer wieder aufs Neue als Produkte biographischer Entelechie. Auf diese Weise affirmieren sie die Narrative der psychosozialen Devianz im biographischen Spielfilm (Genie und Wahnsinn, Sucht, Homosexualität, Depression etc.) und gleichermaßen den im populären Literaturbetrieb stark etablierten autobiographischen Zugang zu literarischen Texten. Ein Filmverzeichnis gibt Auskunft über 180 literarhistorische Spielfilme des westeuropäischen und US-amerikanischen Kanons.
Transnational American Memories
Book 11·Sep 2009
The volume gathers twenty original essays by experts of American memory studies from the United States and Europe. It extends discussions of U.S. American cultures of memory, commemorative identity construction, and the politics of remembrance into the topical field of transnational and comparative American studies. In the contexts of the theoretical turns since the 1990s, including prominently the pictorial and the spatial turns, and in the wake of multicultural and international conceptions of American history, the contributions to the collection explore the cultural productivity and political implications of both officially endorsed memories and practices of oppositional remembrance. Reading sites of memory situated in or related to the United States as crossroads of transnational and intercultural remembering and commemoration manifests their possibly controversial function as platforms and agents in the processes of cultural exchange and political negotiation across the spatial, temporal, and ideological trajectories that inform American Studies as Atlantic Studies, Hemispheric Studies, Pacific Studies. The interdisciplinary range of issues and materials engaged includes literary texts, personal accounts, and cultural performances from colonial times through the immediate present, the significance of war monuments and ethnic memorials in Europe, Asia, and the U.S., films about 9/11, public sculptures and the fine arts, American world’s fairs as transnational sites of memory.
Ned Kelly as Memory Dispositif: Media, Time, Power, and the Development of Australian Identities
Book 13·Dec 2012
Nineteenth-century outlaw Ned Kelly is perhaps Australia's most famous historical figure. Ever since he went on the run in 1878 his story has been repeated time and again, in every conceivable medium. Although the value of his memory has been hotly contested – and arguably because of this – he remains perhaps the main national icon of Australia.

Kelly's flamboyant crimes turned him into a popular hero for many Australians during his lifetime and far beyond: a symbol of freedom, anti authoritarianism, anti imperialism; a Robin Hood, a Jesse James, a Che Guevara. Others have portrayed him as a villain, a gangster, a terrorist. His latest incarnation has been as WikiLeaks founder and fellow Australian "cyber outlaw" Julian Assange. Despite the huge number of representations of Kelly – from rampant newspaper reporting of the events, to the iconic Sidney Nolan paintings, to a movie starring Mick Jagger, to contemporary urban street art – this is the first work to take this corpus of material itself as a subject of analysis.

The fascinating case of this young outlaw provides an important opportunity to further our understanding of the dynamics of cultural memory. The book explains the processes by which the cultural memory of Ned Kelly was made and has developed over time, and how it has related to formations and negotiations of national identity. It breaks new ground in memory studies in the first place by showing that cultural memories are formed and develop through tangles of relations, what Basu terms memory dispositifs. In introducing the concept of the memory dispositif, this volume brings together and develops the work of Foucault, Deleuze, and Agamben on the dispositif, along with relevant concepts from the field of memory studies such as allochronism, colonial aphasia, and multidirectionality, the memory site – especially as developed by Ann Rigney – and Jan Assmann's figure of memory.

Secondly, this work makes important headway in our understanding of the relationships between cultural memory and national identity, at a time when matters of identity appear to be more urgent and fraught than ever. In doing so, it shows that national identities are never purely national but are always sub- and transnational. The Ned Kelly memory dispositif has made complex and conflicting contributions to constructions of national identity. Ever since his outlawry, the identities invested in Kelly and those invested in the Australian nation have, in a two-way dynamic, fused into and strengthened each other, so that Kelly is in many ways a symbol for the national identity. Kelly has come to stand for an anti-establishment, working class, subaltern, Irish-inflected national identity. At the same time he has come to represent and enforce the whiteness, hyper-heterosexual masculinity and violence of "Australianness". Basu shows that Kelly has therefore always functioned in both radical and conservative ways, often both at once: a turbulent, Janus-faced figure.

Discursive Remembering: Individual and Collective Remembering as a Discursive, Cognitive and Historical Process
Book 16·Oct 2014
This book aims at building a bridge between the social and political aspects of remembering and the cognitive and discourse processes driving such activities. By analyzing these cognitive and discursive processes, Bietti explores practices of individual and collective remembering in institutional and private settings in relation to periods of political violence in Argentina. This books begins to fill the conceptual gap between cognitive oriented approaches to remembering that draw conclusions about how memory functions in the mind without a detailed discourse analysis of the communicative interaction in which this process unfolds, and the discourse and pragmatic oriented approaches that are mainly interested in analyzing the rhetorical features of conversational remembering, in some cases disregarding that there are underlying cognitive mechanisms that drive the construction of discourses about past experiences. The empirical analysis shows that individual and collective remembering in relation to periods of political violence in Argentina vary in pragmatic ways due to the fact that these accounts of the past were constructed with reference to the communicative situation. Thus, this book also aims at shedding new light on the current practices of commemoration and remembrance related to periods of political violence in Argentina, in public and private settings.
Discursive Remembering: Individual and Collective Remembering as a Discursive, Cognitive and Historical Process
Book 16·Oct 2014
This book aims at building a bridge between the social and political aspects of remembering and the cognitive and discourse processes driving such activities. By analyzing these cognitive and discursive processes, Bietti explores practices of individual and collective remembering in institutional and private settings in relation to periods of political violence in Argentina. This books begins to fill the conceptual gap between cognitive oriented approaches to remembering that draw conclusions about how memory functions in the mind without a detailed discourse analysis of the communicative interaction in which this process unfolds, and the discourse and pragmatic oriented approaches that are mainly interested in analyzing the rhetorical features of conversational remembering, in some cases disregarding that there are underlying cognitive mechanisms that drive the construction of discourses about past experiences. The empirical analysis shows that individual and collective remembering in relation to periods of political violence in Argentina vary in pragmatic ways due to the fact that these accounts of the past were constructed with reference to the communicative situation. Thus, this book also aims at shedding new light on the current practices of commemoration and remembrance related to periods of political violence in Argentina, in public and private settings.