Studies in Industrial Organization

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Latest release: December 1, 2013
Cellular Biology of the Lung
Book 1·Mar 2013
This volume records the proceedings at the Fifth School of Thoracic Medicine held at the Ettore Majorana School of International Scientific Culture in March 1981. Foregathered there were a heterogeneous group comprising clinicians, pathologists, ultra-microscopists, biochemists, immunologists, cellular biologists and physiologists and they presented the twenty seven papers seen in the contents list. The discussion which followed each paper was faithfully recorded (and where necessary translated) and may be found after each author's presentation. This free discussion is perhaps the most valuable part of the School of Thoracic Medicine, and most clearly defines the present boundaries of knowledge, and the directions in which enquiry is being pursued. The collaboration of many people made the production of this book possible - for the translation and the discussion typescript Miss Guiliana de Ferio, for the final typing and layout Miss Corinne Wade ably assisted by Miss Karen Wadey and Miss Kim Lekstrom. The illustrations have been dealt with where necessary by Mr. John Griffiths and the production of the book was done at The Midhurst Medical Research Institute prior to its delivery to Plenum Press. CONTENTS The Innervation of Bronchial Mucosa • • • • • • • -. • • • • 1 Peter K. Jeffery Cell Division and Differentiation in Bronchial Epithelium • • • • • • • • • • • • • 33 Margaret Ayers and Peter K. Jeffery Cilia • 61 Bjorn A.
International Networks of Banks and Industry
Book 2·Dec 2012
Research into interlocking directorates and other organizational ties between large corporations dates back to the beginning of the century. In Germany and the United States interlocking directorates became an important means of coordination and control of large corporations and banks at the end of the nineteenth century and were, as a result, particularly subject to scientific investigation and public debate. Trusts were regarded with mistrust, especially in the United States, where John Moody's study from 1904 was significantly entitled The Truth about Trusts. In Germany much attention was paid to the role-or-the large Berlin banks in the economic development. The first large study in Germany carried the prolix title The Relationship between the Large German Banks and Industry with Special Reference to the Iron Industry (Jeidels, 1905). ---- --------- The studies in the United States were predominantly induced and even carried out by committees of the Federal Congress. In Europe, on the other hand, the labor movement soon became interested in the patterns of interlocking directorates. In the Netherlands, for example, Wibaut, a socialist leader, carried out a study on interlocking directorates, copying the research design of Jeidels. Accordingly, two different schools can be distinguished from the start: the Marxian school which developed the concept of finance capital to explain the existing interlocking directorates, and the institutional economists who used the concept of economic power to explain the same phenomenon.
Public and Private Control in Mass Product Industry: The Cement Industry Cases
Book 3·Dec 2012
This paper presents findings from a study of the cement industries in France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. Its purpose is to determine, as far as is possible, the extent to which the structure and performance of each industry has been influenced by the control of the market exercised by public auth orities, by the industries themselves, or by both acting together. The cement industry was chosen for its relative 'simplicity' and because it offers a good sample of different public policy approaches to the regulation of private markets. Although there are numerous major factors complicating inter national comparison, the industry is simple to analyse because it has a rela tively homogeneous product derived from very spread-out raw materials and it uses easily acquired technology to the diffusion of which there are no barriers. The different national industries discussed all had a similar history of private regulation of the market for the first half of the 20th century, during which time cartels proliferated, except when they occasionally collapsed under the pressure of price cutting stimulated by excess capacity. Since the Second World War, however, governments have differed in their approach to market regulation, and the four country studies illustrate a range of different approaches which covers the French experience of strict price control as an instrument ofindustrial policy, the Italian experience of weaker price control, a legal cartelin the U. K.
A Critical Evaluation of the Chicago School of Antitrust Analysis
Book 9·Dec 2012
The publication of this clinically analytical and trenchantly insightful volume is felicitously timed. By fortuitous coincidence, it comes at a time when the Chicago School enjoys a high-water mark of acceptance in U.S. legal circles, and at a time when the U.S. merger movement of the 1980s is cresting. It provides a welcome warning against the dangers of translating abstract theories, based on highly restrictive (and unrealistic) assumptions, into facile public policy recommendations. As such the Schmidt/Rittaler study serves as a needed antidote to the currently fashionable predilection to confuse ideology with science. In the Chicago lexicon, the only appropriate policy toward business is a policy of untrammeled laissez-faire. Because there are no market imperfec tions (other than government-created or trade-union-generated monopolies), the market can be trusted to regulate economic activity, inexorably meting out appropriate rewards and punishments. In this ideal world, corporate size and power can be safely ignored. After all, corporations become big only only because they are efficient, only because they are productive, only because they have served consumers better than their rivals, and only because no newcomers are good enough to challenge their dominance. Once an industrial giant becomes lethargic and no longer bestows its productive beneficence on society, it will inevitably wither and eventually die. This is the "natural law" that governs economic life. It demands obedience to its rules. It tolerates no interference by the state.
Industrial Dynamics: Technological, Organizational, and Structural Changes in Industries and Firms
Book 10·Dec 2012
This book is based on the papers presented at a conference on "New Issues in Industrial Economics" held at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, June 8-10, 1987. The conference was organized by the Research Program in Industrial Economics (RPIE) in the Department of Economics at CWRU and was sponsored by The Cleveland Foundation, the Eaton Corporation, and The Standard Oil Company (later renamed BP America, Inc.). Their generous support is gratefully acknowledged. All of the papers have been revised, in several cases extensively, since their presentation at the conference. One of the primary reasons for organizing the conference was the concern that Industrial Economics has become too narrowly focused in most academic programs, largely being confined to Industrial Organization, i.e., issues of public policy towards enterprise with emphasis on antitrust and regulatory policy. This subject definition leaves out a number of interesting and important questions about how industries evolve over time, what the role of technological change (and organizational change) is in that process, and the associated structural changes within industries and firms. The object of this book is to derme these issues and suggest a framework within which they can be analyzed. I would like to thank all the conference participants for their contributions, particularly my colleagues at CWRU, Asim Erdilek and William S. Peirce, without whose encouragement and support the conference would not have taken place.
Dynamic International Oil Markets: Oil Market Developments and Structure 1860-1990
Book 15·Mar 2013
Writing this book would have been impossible without the help of certain institutions and persons. For a gas-producing and oil-processing country like the Netherlands, there was surprisingly very little, publicly available, research material. Public libraries' collections contained, with a certain degree of inconsistency, little of the more specialised sources. I would therefore like to express my gratitude towards Royal Dutch Shell, and especially the library staff in The Hague, for allowing me to use the company's library, thanking them for their assistance in finding and supplying the required data. I am also grateful for the financial assistance of the 'Nederlandse organisatie voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek' (NWO) and the Faculty of Law of the University of Leiden. They provided the financial means to work a (crucial) month in the very well equipped library of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. I am indebted to the staff of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, and particularly to Robert Mabro and Jeremy Turk, for their comments, support, and friendship. After I spent a month in the Institute in July 1989, I was able to return for two five-month periods in 1990 and 1991. For both periods, the Oxford Institute and the Leiden Law Faculty provided me with the necessary means. I would also like to express special gratitude to some people who have been a great support and supplied me with valuable comments at various stages of the study.
Progress in Intercalation Research: Edition 3
Book 18·Dec 2013
If a book needs a third edition, because the previous ones are sold out, one may well question whether an introduction is necessary. However, the Structure of European Industry was meant to be a flexible book, keeping it in tune with actual developments in the European Community. Some explanation is therefore required. Two new chapters on the services industry have been included, to recognize the growing importance of what is fundamentally a bundle of industries. It is also increasingly acknowledged, that the motorcar industry, for its efficiency and innovativeness, is very much dependent on the numerous suppliers, large and small, of the component parts industry. A chapter, reflecting on the strengths and weaknesses of the European car supplying industries is therefore most welcome. Finally, European competition policy, now fitted out with the Merger Control Regulation is moving more and more towards the centre of stage and the final chapter presents a survey of the ~ims and achievements of this type of policy, up till now steadfastly developed by the EC Commission. For the rest, the chapters which were already in the previous edition, have been updated and have partly been rewritten by the authors concerned. The editor is most grateful to old and new contributors for their efforts to jointly produce a book which, after 12 years, is still unique in providing a European, instead of a national focus on industries and markets.
The Australian Trade Practices Act 1974: Proscriptions and Prescriptions for a More Competitive Economy
Book 19·Apr 2013
This book presents a collection of papers which evaluate the achievements of the Australian Trade Practices Act 1974 in making Australian markets more competitive. The contributors have all played major roles in Australian and New Zealand antitrust actions, either as expert economic witnesses, as antitrust enforcers, as judges or as quasi-judicial administrators. No other publication presents such in-depth economic analysis of the Act and the cases decided under it in its first two decades of its operation.
As well as an introductory paper, this collection includes a foreword by the Hon. George Gear, Assistant Treasurer of the Australian Government and Minister responsible for the administration of the Act, plus two broad analytical overviews of the last two decades of Australian antitrust actions by two economists who have continually been at the heart of antitrust proceedings. In addition, papers are provided which give a judicial view of the Act and economic analysis, which compare the Act with its New Zealand counterpart. Other contributions look in detail at those sections of the Act which cover mergers, misuse of market power, price-fixing and vertical practices. The book shows that the Act has had a major impact on Australian market behavior. Judges, lawyers and economists between them have produced a truly Australian approach to antitrust, which has reflected overseas trends in both law and economics, as well as developed a unique Australian flavor.
The book will be of interest to academic and practicing lawyers and economists, judges and corporate executives. It will be essential reading for Australian students in undergraduate courses in antitrust law, business regulation, antitrust economics and industrial organization. It provides by far the most comprehensive economic evaluation of Australian antitrust yet published and so will be the definitive source of information on this topic for non-Australians interested in comparative antitrust legislation and enforcement issues.
Mergers, Markets and Public Policy
Book 21·Dec 2012
GIULIANO MUSSATI Why do mergers occur, which are their effects on social welfare and which is the best economic policy toward them? These three questions have been puzzling industrial economists since the end of the last century when the first great merger wave has come about in the US. They have returned at the centre of the stage of the theoretical and empirical economic research during the last decade when merger and acquisition activity became one of the most evident firms' activities in all industrialised countries, being fostered by some general and country specific facts. These facts have been identified in the appearance of new financial instruments facilitating fund raising by firms, in the benevolent behaviour of the authorities in charge of competition policy during the Reagan administration in the US, while inter nal market completion has become a strong incentive for European firms to reach a true continental dimension in the UE through external growth. However a robust and univocal answer to these questions has not yet been found in spite of its importance not only from the theoretical point of view, but also from the normative one. In fact the correct identification of firms' motivations in pursuing merger and acquisition operations and of their consequences on social welfare would help the choice by administra tive authorities of different possible options in competition and industrial policies.