Lost Daughters of Atlantis

Latest release: September 4, 2023
Atlantis Dark Tides: Lost Daughters of Atlantis Book 4
Book 4·May 2014
When a girl’s heart is set on revenge…

Nagged by her evil mother, Sky wants one thing above all else. To destroy the society that rejected her and stole her rightful inheritance. Going undercover, she uses a lowly human to draw close to the recently discovered trio of Atlantean princesses. Once she learns what she needs to know about her targets, she will kill them with no remorse.

Except she does something stupid when she saves the human and exposes her special powers.

Now, she’s caught the eye of Prince Reef from the kingdom of Merta. Reef’s a spy too, with a mission to decide which side of the Atlantean war his kingdom will champion. During Reef and Sky’s time together, she learns more about her past, her power, and her princess half-sisters. Sky is forced to rethink her views on everything. But Reef has secrets of his own…

This is the fourth full-length novel in the Lost Daughters of Atlantis young adult fantasy action adventure novel series. Each of the books stand alone.

“Having met the Atlantean Princess sisters—Pearl, Coral and Maris—in the first three books of this fun series, I’m thrilled that Burton is continuing the saga with this story of Sky, the outsider bent on revenge, who learns that her world is more complicated than she believed. A great new heroine! In Burton’s carefully crafted world, with its alluring Royal Guards and handsome Separatist spies, there’s plenty of intrigue, action and romance to keep the stories coming for a long time. Already can’t wait for the next installment!” Reviewer

Other books in the Atlantis series: Atlantis Riptide - free, Atlantis Red Tide, Atlantis Rising Tide, Atlantis Tide Breaker Novella, Atlantis Twisting Tides Novella, and Atlantis Glacial Tides.

Atlantis Glacial Tides: Lost Daughters of Atlantis Book 5
Book 5·Dec 2014
When a girl was wrong about a guy before…

No one trusts Princess Adria. Not even her beloved big brother. Disgraced and discouraged after saving Kai who turned out to be the enemy, she’s still shocked when she finds out about her betrothal to a slimy prince from another ocean kingdom. But what does she know? Clearly, she can’t choose the right kind of male on her own.

When she’s kidnapped by accident, she realizes she has no choices at all. Or does she?

Adria finds herself back in the clutches of Kai, the guy she’d given her heart to and who’d then betrayed her and her family. Stuck as a prisoner in a glacial kingdom of ice and evil, she learns everything isn’t rainbow fish and roses. She must become a strong, independent princess who commands respect and is willing to sacrifice to save her family. But by sacrificing herself is she giving away the kingdom she loves?

This is the fifth full-length novel in the Lost Daughters of Atlantis young adult fantasy action adventure novel series. The prequel to this story, Atlantis Twisting Tides, is free. Each of the books stand alone.

“In this chilling addition to the Daughters of Atlantis series, Allie Burton plunges us into the freezing waters of despair and slavery in Atlantis Glacial Tides. Get ready for her quick wit, her fast-paced style and her attention to detail in each scene, while still giving us the feel of a sixteen-year-old girl, out of her depth, but never backing down or giving up. Ms. Burton can create nasty and nice characters as well as she can keep us wondering who is really playing on what side of good vs evil. From start to finish, this is non-stop fantasy! You may need an extra blanket to cozy up with as those frigid waters begin to feel real.” Reviewer

Other books in the Atlantis series: Atlantis Riptide - free, Atlantis Red Tide, Atlantis Rising Tide, Atlantis Tide Breaker Novella, Atlantis Dark Tides, and Atlantis Twisting Tides Novella.