Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing

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Latest release: December 20, 2013
Introduction to Neuro-Fuzzy Systems
Book 2·Jun 2013
Fuzzy sets were introduced by Zadeh (1965) as a means of representing and manipulating data that was not precise, but rather fuzzy. Fuzzy logic pro vides an inference morphology that enables approximate human reasoning capabilities to be applied to knowledge-based systems. The theory of fuzzy logic provides a mathematical strength to capture the uncertainties associ ated with human cognitive processes, such as thinking and reasoning. The conventional approaches to knowledge representation lack the means for rep resentating the meaning of fuzzy concepts. As a consequence, the approaches based on first order logic and classical probablity theory do not provide an appropriate conceptual framework for dealing with the representation of com monsense knowledge, since such knowledge is by its nature both lexically imprecise and noncategorical. The developement of fuzzy logic was motivated in large measure by the need for a conceptual framework which can address the issue of uncertainty and lexical imprecision. Some of the essential characteristics of fuzzy logic relate to the following [242]. • In fuzzy logic, exact reasoning is viewed as a limiting case of ap proximate reasoning. • In fuzzy logic, everything is a matter of degree. • In fuzzy logic, knowledge is interpreted a collection of elastic or, equivalently, fuzzy constraint on a collection of variables. • Inference is viewed as a process of propagation of elastic con straints. • Any logical system can be fuzzified. There are two main characteristics of fuzzy systems that give them better performance für specific applications.
Intelligent Information Systems: Proceedings of the IIS’2000 Symposium, Bystra, Poland, June 12–16, 2000
Book 4·Aug 2012
This volume contains articles accepted for presentation during The Intelligent Information Systems Symposium I1S'2000 which was held in Bystra, Poland, on June 12-16, 2000. This is ninth, in the order, symposium organized by the Institute of Computer Science of Polish Academy of Sciences and devoted to new trends in (broadly understood) Artificial Intelligence. The idea of organizing such meetings dates back to 1992. Our main in tention guided the first, rather small-audience, workshop in the series was to resume the results gained in Polish scientific centers as well as contrast them with the research performed by Polish scientists working at the uni versities in Europe and USA. This idea proved to be attractive enough that we decided to continue such meetings. As the years went by, the workshops has transformed into regular symposia devoted to such fields like Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Based Systems and Reasoning, and Soft Computing (Le. Fuzzy and Rough Sets, Bayesian Networks, Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algorithms). At present, about 50 papers prepared by researches from Poland and other countries are usually presented. Besides, for several years now, the symposia are accompanied by a number of tutorials, given by the outstanding scientists in their domain. Up to this year the proceedings were published as our local publication and they were distributed among the scientific libraries. We feel however, that the subject matter as well as the quality of papers is sufficient to present the proceedings to a broader scientific audience.
Flexible Query Answering Systems: Recent Advances Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems, FQAS’ 2000, October 25–28, 2000, Warsaw, Poland
Book 7·Aug 2012
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems, FQAS'2000, held in Warsaw, Poland on October 25 - 28, 2000. The FQAS conference has been the premier conference focusing on one of key issues that the information society faces, namely that of providing easy, flexible, intuitive access to information for everybody. In targeting this issue, the conference draws on several research areas, such as databases, querying, information retrieval, knowledge representation, soft computing, cyberspace, multimedia systems, human-computer interaction, etc. FQAS'2000 has been preceded by the extremely successful FQAS'94, FQAS'96 and FQAS'98 conferences all held in Roskilde, Denmark. The present conference provides a unique opportunity for researchers, developers and practitioners to explore new ideas and approaches in a multidisciplinary forum. As a metaphor for flexible query answering we may consider a human intermediary who has expertise in the topic of the query, and is experienced in identifying the user's information needs and answering the needs from the available information resources. The use of knowledge on relevant contexts, available information resources, etc. , enables the expert to respond rather precisely to the needs, though the query, per se, may be imprecise, incomplete, etc. Thus, a key issue for flexible query answering system is to obtain, maintain, represent, and utilize such knowledge. This comprises domain knowledge and metaknowledge, its representation and organization in ontologies, terminologies, etc.
Intelligent Information Systems 2001: Proceedings of the International Symposium “Intelligent Information Systems X”, June 18–22, 2001, Zakopane, Poland
Book 10·Nov 2013
This volume contains articles accepted for presentation during The Intelli gent Information Systems Symposium IIS'2001 which was held in Zakopane, Poland, on June 18-22, 200l. This is tenth, in the order, symposium orga nized by the Institute of Computer Science of Polish Academy of Sciences and devoted to new trends in (broadly understood) Artificial Intelligence. The idea of organizing such meetings dates back to 1992. Our main in tention guided the first, rather small-audience, workshop in the series was to resume the results gained in Polish scientific centers as well as contrast them with the esea r rch performed by Polish scientists working at the uni versities in Europe and USA. This idea proved to be attractive enough that we decided to continue such meetings. As the years went by, the workshops has transformed into regular symposia devoted to such fields like Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Based Systems and Reasoning, and Soft Computing (i.e. Fuzzy and Rough Sets, Bayesian Networks, Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algorithms). At present, about 50 papers prepared by researches from Poland and other countries are usually presented. Besides, for several years now, the symposia are accompanied by a number of tutorials, given by the outstanding scientists in their domain.
Lectures on Soft Computing and Fuzzy Logic
Book 11·Jun 2013
The present volume collects selected papers arising from lectures delivered by the authors at the School on Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing held during the years 1996/97/98/99 and sponsored by the Salerno University. The authors contributing to this volume agreed with editors to write down, to enlarge and, in many cases, to rethink their original lectures, in order to offer to readership, a more compact presentation of the proposed topics. The aim of the volume is to offer a picture, as a job in progress, of the effort that is coming in founding and developing soft computing's techniques. The volume contains papers aimed to report on recent results containing genuinely logical aspects of fuzzy logic. The topics treated in this area cover algebraic aspects of Lukasiewicz Logic, Fuzzy Logic as the logic of continuous t-norms, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic. Aspects of fuzzy logic based on similar ity relation are presented in connection with the problem of flexible querying in deductive database. Departing from fuzzy logic, some papers present re sults in Probability Logic treating computational aspects, results based on indishernability relation and a non commutative version of generalized effect algebras. Several strict applications of soft computing are presented in the book. Indeed we find applications ranging among pattern recognition, image and signal processing, evolutionary agents, fuzzy cellular networks, classi fication in fuzzy environments. The volume is then intended to serve as a reference work for foundational logico-algebraic aspect of Soft Computing and for concrete applications of soft computing technologies.
An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Sets
Book 13·Nov 2013
This book is intended to be an undergraduate introduction to the theory of fuzzy sets. We envision, sometime in the future, a curriculum in fuzzy sys tems theory, which could be in computer /information sciences, mathematics, engineering or economics (business, finance), with this book as the starting point. It is not a book for researchers but a book for beginners where you learn the basics. This course would be analogous to a pre-calculus course where a student studies algebra, functions and trigonometry in preparation for more advanced courses. Chapters 3 through 11 are on fuzzy algebra, fuzzy functions, fuzzy trigonometry, fuzzy geometry, and solving fuzzy equations. However, after this course the student doesn't go on to calculus but to more specialized courses in fuzzy systems theory like fuzzy clustering, fuzzy pattern recogni tion, fuzzy database, fuzzy image processing and computer vision, robotics, intelligent agents, soft computing, fuzzy rule based systems (control, expert systems), fuzzy decision making, applications to operations research, fuzzy mathematics, fuzzy systems modeling, etc. Therefore, very little of most of these topics are included in this book. There are many new topics included in this book. Let us point out some of them here: (1) mixed fuzzy logic (Section 3.5); (2) three methods of solving fuzzy equation/problems (Chapter 5); (3) solving fuzzy inequalities (Chapter 6); (4) inverse fuzzy functions (Section 8.5); (5) fuzzy plane geometry (Chap ter 9); (6) fuzzy trigonometry (Chapter 10); and (7) fuzzy optimization based on genetic algorithms (Chapter 16).
Intelligent Information Systems 2002: Proceedings of the IIS’ 2002 Symposium, Sopot, Poland, June 3–6, 2002
Book 17·Nov 2013
This volume contains articles accepted for presentation during The Intelligent Information Systems Symposium IIS'2002 which was held in Sopot, Poland, on June 3-6, 2002. This is eleventh, in the order, symposium organized by the Institute of Computer Science of Polish Academy of Sciences and devoted to new trends in (broadly understood) ArtificialIntelligence. The meetings started back to 1992. With small initial audience, workshops in the series grew to an important meeting of Polish and foreign scientists working at the universities in Europe, Asia and the Northern America. Over years, the workshops transformed into regular symposia devoted to latest trends in such fields like Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Based Systems and Reasoning, and Soft Computing (i.e. Fuzzy and Rough Sets, Bayesian Networks, Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algorithms). At present, about 50-60 papers are accepted each year. Besides, for several years now, the symposia are accompanied by a number of tutorials, given by the outstanding scientists in their domain. The main topics of this year symposium included: • decision trees and other classifier systems • neural network and biologiccally motivated systems • clustering methods • handling imprecision and uncertainty • deductive, distributed and agent-based systems We were pleased to see the continuation of the last year trend towards an increase in the number of co-operative contributions and in the number and diversity of practical applications of theoretical research.
Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining: Proceedings of the International IIS: IIPWM ́03 Conference held in Zakopane, Poland, June 2-5, 2003
Book 22·Jun 2013
This volume contains articles accepted for presentation during The Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining Conference IIS:IIPWM'03 which was held in Zakopane, Poland, on June 2-5, 2003. This conference extends a series of 12 successful symposia on Intelligent Information Systems, organized by the Institute of Computer Science of Polish Academy of Sciences, devoted to new trends in (broadly understood) Artificial Intelligence. The idea of organizing such meetings dates back to 1992. Our main in tention guided the first, rather small-audience, workshop in the series was to resume the results gained in Polish scientific centers as well as contrast them with the research performed by Polish scientists working at the universities in Europe and USA and their foreign collaborators. This idea proved to be attractive enough that we decided to continue such meetings. As the years went by, the workshops has transformed into regular symposia devoted to such fields like Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery, Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Based Systems and Reasoning, and Soft Computing (i. e. Fuzzy and Rough Sets, Bayesian Networks, Neural Networks and Evo lutionary Algorithms). At present, about 50 papers prepared by researches from Poland and other countries are usually presented. This year conference is an attempt to draw a much broader international audience on the one hand, and to devote much more attention to the newest developments in the area of Artificial Intelligence. Therefore special calls for contributions on artificial immune systems and search engines.
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications
Book 23·Dec 2013
ISDA'03 General Chair's Message On behalf of the ISDA'03 organizing committee, I wish to extend a very warm welcome to the conference and Tulsa in August 2003. The conference program committee has organized an exciting and invigorating program comprising pres entations from distinguished experts in the field, and important and wide-ranging contributions on state-of-the-art research that provide new insights into 'Current Innovations in Intelligent Systems Design and Applications". ISDA'03 builds on the success of last years. ISDA'02 was held in Atlanta, USA, August 07-08,2002 and attracted participants from over 25 countries. ISDA'03, the Third International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, held during August 10-13, 2003, in Tulsa, USA presents a rich and exciting program. The main themes addressed by this conference are: Architectures of intelligent systems Image, speech and signal processing Internet modeling Data mining Business and management applications Control and automation Software agents Knowledge management ISDA'03 is hosted by the College of Arts and Sciences, Oklahoma State Univer sity, USA. ISDA'03 is technically sponsored by IEEE Systems Man and Cyber netics Society, World Federation on Soft Computing, European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Springer Verlag- Germany, Center of Excellence in In formation Technology and Telecommunications (COEITT) and Oklahoma State University. ISDA'03 received 117 technical paper submissions from over 28 countries, 7 tutorials, 3 special technical sessions and 1 workshop proposal.