Jeffrey K. Zeig

Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD, is the Founder and Director of The Milton H. Erickson Foundation. Dr. Zeig is the architect of The Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference, the Brief Therapy Conference, the Couples Conference, and the International Congresses on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. He is on the Editorial Board of numerous journals; Fellow of the American Psychological Association (Division 29, Psychotherapy); and Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. He is a Distinguished Practitioner in the National Academy of Practice in Psychology of the National Academies of Practice and an Approved Supervisor of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. A clinical psychologist, Dr. Zeig has a private practice, and conducts workshops internationally (more than 40 countries). He has been an invited speaker at major universities and teaching hospitals, and has edited, co-edited, authored or coauthored more than 20 books on psychotherapy that appear in 14 foreign languages.