Ahindra Ghosh

Ahindra Ghosh, (Sc.D., MIT, USA), formerly Professor, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, is well known for his expertise in Metallurgical and Materials Thermodynamics. Besides 35 years of teaching and research experience at IIT Kanpur, Professor Ghosh has rich industrial experience, having worked with major companies like Tata Steel and Tata Consultancy Services. A Life Fellow of Indian Institute of Metals and Institution of Engineers (India), Life Member ISTE, and Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering, he has contributed extensively to national and international journals including Metallurgical and Materials Transactions (USA), ISIJ International (Japan), Steel Research (Germany), Ironmaking and Steelmaking (UK), and Trans. Indian Institute of Metals. He has also authored three books.