Alison Richardson

Alison Richardson read her first romance novel (a Mills & Boon Sexy/Harlequin Presents swiped from her grandmother) at age twelve. She was instantly hooked, and she spent the better part of every family vacation thereafter closed up in her room with Grandma’s Harlequin romances. Her love affair with romance novels had to be a furtive one — her mother fought a losing battle to convince her that Little Women and The Secret Garden were all any girl needed for imaginative escape, and Alison got very, very good at quickly stuffing the romance under her pillow and pulling out something serious-looking as soon as she heard footsteps heading toward her room.It wasn’t long before Alison started making up her own stories, but it took a while to get anything down on paper. Her first attempts at writing came on a long business trip away from her husband, and she realised right away that writing romance was as addictive as reading it. She’s very excited to see her stories under a Harlequin imprint.