André Telles is the author of five books on innovation, the first of them, on social media, published in Brasil in 2005. In 2008 he published Geração Digital (Digital Generation); in 2010, A Revolução das Mídias Sociais (The Revolution of Social Media); in 2013, O Empreendedor Viável (The Viable Entrepreneur), a book about innovation ecosystems. Certified in Technology Entrepreneurship: Lab to Market by Harvard University and by University of San Diego, he's a professor in post-graduate university courses and lectured all over Brazil. He's an expert in smart government, co-founder and former partner in iCities, a company that brought the Smart CityExpo World Congress from Barcelona to Brazil. He was an Advisor for Smart Management and Innovation in Paraná's State government, when he coordinated the apps Paraná Serviços and Paraná Solidário, both considered innovative cases in public management. André Telles is now an advisor for innovation in Celepar – Companhia Paranaense de Tecnologia.