Angelo Freni

Dr.-Eng. Angelo Freni He graduated in Materials Engineering at the University of Messina in 1998. He holds a Ph.D. in Materials and Chemical engineering from the University of Messina. He has been at the Italian National Council of Research - Institute for Advanced Energy Technologies (CNR-ITAE), Messina, since 1998. He has worked on thermally-driven heat pumps, heat and hydrogen storage, has published more than 130 printed papers in the field, plus 3 patents. He has been carrying out and leading scientific activities in the framework of National and International programs, in co-operation with industries and research groups. Currently, he is Head of the research group on “Thermally Driven Heat Pumps” at CNR ITAE. He is the Italian alternate delegate in the Executive Committee of the Heat Pump Programme of the International Energy Agency. He is member of the commission “E2 - Heat pumps, energy recovery” of the IIR – International Institute of Refrigeration