Ann Charney

Ann Charney was born in Poland & educated at McGill University & the Sorbonne in Paris. She lives in Montreal, Canada. A novelist, short story writer & journalist, she has received awards both for her fiction & nonfiction, including two National Magazine Awards, the Chatelaine Fiction Prize, & the Canadian Author's Association Prize. Her short stories have appeared in "Ms. Magazine", "Paris Transcontinental", "Saturday Night", "Descant", "The Canadian Forum", "The Queen Quarterly" & others. Her nonfiction has appeared in leading Canadian & U.S. magazines; it has been selected for inclusion in "Best Canadian Essays" & the "Utne Review". She has been a political columnist for "McLean's" & a book reviewer for "The Toronto Star", "The Globe & Mail", "The Gazette", "Books in Canada", & "The London Times Book Review".