Bruce Cooke

I am a retired Technical and Further Education teacher and have been writing for seventeen years. After completing several creative writing courses, I have had three short stories published and two read over community radio in Queensland. I wrote the initial script for the C.S. Lewis stage musical “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe” that ran successfully in all the Australian capital cities three years ago. I have written over fifteen novels and am under contract to have three published. I also won a poetry competition. I submitted a poem to the Australian War Memorial and the local branch of the Returned Soldiers League, dedicating the efforts of veterans during the New Guinea campaign of the Second World War, which was accepted by both. The poem was printed and framed and holds a place in the display cabinet of the RSL club in my hometown. I will be listed in the next newsletter of the “Knowledge Tree” the official newsletter of Lifestyle Learning, a writing college in Australia. This and my other accomplishments are seen as a success for the courses they run Australia wide. Visit Bruce Cooke website here.