Alexander Chaz

Chaz Alexander lives in Central Florida in an open relationship with his significant other of 19 years. Having discovered his bisexuality as a young man, he has pursued this relationship over the years. Several years ago, he met a couple with whom he established an instant attraction. He moved into their home (much to in-laws chagrin) and they lived as an MMF threesome for four years. Finally, before they separated, they even bought property together.Now he and his significant other welcome the occasional male visitor for an evening or perhaps a weekend and explore the erotic experiences available when sharing intimacy with three people.The stories in Chaz’s books are based on real-life experiences he has shared with his significant others.Warning: Each book is an erotic story between one woman and two men. The series contains graphic material that is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18, including M/M/F, M/F, and M/M sexual encounters.Go to my website for a new pdf with examples of all my books. Say "Hello." Thanks.