Colin Michael Hall

C. Michael Hall (you can call him Mike) has been writing and drawing professionally since the late 1990s, and was the original managing editor for comics publisher Ape Entertainment. He is best known for the series of educational comics he created for academic and public libraries from 2011 to 2015, and recently co-wrote an information literacy textbook in graphic novel format for the University of Chicago Press. He was a reviewer, columnist, and cartoonist for ACE Magazine, has produced advertising for print and other media, and is the creator of several well-received tabletop games. In addition to his freelance work, Mike has taught college courses in comics and cartooning. Mike has a BS in History and Political Science from McPherson College. He resides in Portland, OR with his wife Lily and their four cats, and is hard at work on his next graphic novel (which will be awesome) and his next several games (which will also be awesome).