Cara Alwill

As a best selling author, master life coach and creator of The Champagne Diet brand, Cara Alwill Leyba empowers women to live their most effervescent lives, celebrate themselves every day, and make their happiness a priority. She is passionate about helping women style their minds and design their lives in a chic and stylish way. Her glamorous approach to self-help has attracted thousands of women to read her books, blog, and attend her events and workshops. Cara has previously self-published four books which have all reached #1 on various best seller categories on Amazon including Self-Help, Self-Esteem, Motivation, and Women in Business, and have gained massive popularity around the world. Cara's work has been featured in Glamour, Shape, Vibe, Huffington Post, PopSugar, Cosmopolitan, and Marie Claire, to name a few. She has been a speaker at the American Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo where she educated its members about the power of personal branding. In 2015, Cara was named one of YFS Magazine's "Top 10 Women Entrepreneurs That Will Inspire You." For more about Cara, please visit Follow Cara on Instagram for daily inspiration @TheChampagneDiet