Charlotte Eliopoulos

Charlotte Eliopoulos, MPH, PhD, RN, is one of the most renowned and highly respected nurse leaders in gerontology and long-term care. She is Executive Director, American Association for Long-Term Care Nursing, and also works in private practice where she serves as a consultant on education, writing, and speaking in areas of long-term care, geriatric nursing, integrative and holistic care of chronic conditions, culture change, staff development in long-term care, writing for publication, and self-care for nursing staff. Dr. Eliopoulos is also is a prolific and acclaimed author, having been the Editor, Board Member, or Column Writer for fourteen journals. She is currently is the Editor for "Nursing Assistant Educator" and "Annals of Long-Term Care." In addition, she has authored 20 books on the topics of gerontology, long-term care, administration, culture change, holistic nursing, and complementary and alternative therapies, among others. She has been awarded six AJN Book-of-the-Year Awards for her publications.