Cheryl Gardarian

Cheryl Gardarian grew up in Huntington Beach, California. She attended U.S.C. and received a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene. Her love of learning kept her busy, and she became a Real Estate Broker, opening her own office specializing in equestrian properties. She also became a volunteer firefighter, and while balancing all the above careers, she raised a son and cared for a multitude of barnyard animals. Then her creative side beckoned, and she began her writing career. Now a published author, she currently divides her time between California, Utah, and New Mexico. Immersing herself in the different areas gives her the unique ability to accurately portray the nuances of each locale in her stories. Other titles by the author: The Cookie Tree The Unexpected Reunion The Cabin Anthologies: An Aspen Grove Christmas (co-author) The Art of Love (co-author)...And a Silver Sixpence in her Shoe (co-author) Her books are available on Amazon, Simon and Schuster, Kindle, and Audible.