Chris Irons

Chris Irons is a Clinical Psychologist working for a mental health team in the National Health Service (NHS), in London, UK. Chris gained his Ph.D from the University of Derby, UK, and his Clinical Psychology doctorate at the University of Sheffield, UK. He is a board member of the Compassionate Mind Foundation, and in his clinical work, he uses Compassion Focused Therapy in working with people suffering from a variety of severe and enduring mental health problems. Chris Irons is a Clinical Psychologist working for a mental health team in the National Health Service (NHS), in London, UK. Chris gained his Ph.D from the University of Derby, UK, and his Clinical Psychology doctorate at the University of Sheffield, UK. He is a board member of the Compassionate Mind Foundation, and in his clinical work, he uses Compassion Focused Therapy in working with people suffering from a variety of severe and enduring mental health problems.