Dick Weissman

Dick Weissman is the author co-author of 15 published books about music and the music business. The Folk Music Sourcebook, co-authored with Larry Sandberg, won the ASCAP Music Critics Award, and his recent book, Which Side Are You On? An Inside History of the Folk Music Revival in America was a finalist for the 2006 Oregon Book Award in non-fiction writing. His other books include the Music Business; Career Opportunities & Self Defense (which was also translated into Japanese), Three Rivers Press, 3rd revised edition, 2003, a best seller on the Random House back list, Blues: the Basics, and Making A Living In Your Local Music Market, 4th revised edition, 2010. He has also written over 45 published instructional manuals for banjo, guitar, and songwriting. While living in Colorado he was an Associate Professor in the Music & Entertainment Industry Program at the University of Colorado at Denver. He currently resides in Portland, Oregon, and is an adjunct instructor at the University of Colorado at Denver and Portland Community College. Dick has enjoyed a long career as a studio musician, record producer, songwriter, composer, and performer. During the 1960s, he recorded for Capitol Records in the pop-folk group The Journeymen. His 2008 double CD, "Four Directions," consists of one album of instrumental music and one of vocal music.