Dr. Helen Hu

Raised in a traditional, cultured and educated family in China, educating young generation and send them to college to learn a life skill is family main focus. However, during the culture revolution period, all colleges were closed with unpredictable timing, that eradicates the dream for young generation. So my parents had to decide to home teaching Traditional Chinese Medicine and studding under several outlaw masters after school during my early teen. Fortunately, the culture revolution ended just prior to my high school graduation, I was one of the luckiest among hundreds went to college when college re-opened after a decade long political ordeal. I chose to study Western Medicine to bridge and further enhance my TCM studying. After practicing integrated internal medicine and specialty in Cardiology for almost 10 years, I immigrated to United States and further study and earn a OMD (Oriental medical Degree) with California Acupuncture license after many years in Clinical research in autoimmune disorder s, cancer research and Clinical trials My Variety background within medicine enable to look into body and health with a Integrated view and approaches, so that many of my clients come to me for a initial consultation either for a condition without any explanation for years, or for a integrated assessments to analysis their overall health status and if their life style fits its body constitution to prevent disorders in the future Most requirements for initial consultation are to bring previous medical records and without wear makeup and brush tongue coating the day comes to my office. So I can view body with modern technology tests and body’s energetic status. Chinese Food Therapy is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that developed for thousands of years but still new to our society My principle healing follow the doctrine of TCM is if I can use natural Food therapy to treat a disorder rather uses herbal formula, if I can use herbal formula to treat a disorder rather than uses medication. My healing approaches is to treat a person as whole with acupuncture, herbal formula, Chinese food therapy to maximize and balance body to conquer disorders, and coaching Tai ji, Qi gong, and Yang Sheng (nurturing life) for well being and longevity, in a word, for health in mind body and sprite.