Emily A. Vander Veer

E. A. Vander Veer started out in the software trenches, lexing and yaccing and writing shell scripts with the best of them. She remained busy and happy for years writing C++ programs and wresting data from recalcitrant databases until reaching the proverbial fork in the road, when she chose the dark path-marketing. After a stint as an Object Technology Evangelist (yes, that's an actual job title), she found a way to unite all of her passions: writing about cool computer stuff in prose any human being can understand. Books followed-over a dozen so far-including JavaScript for Dummies, XML Blueprints, and the fine tome you're holding right now. Her articles appear in online and print publications including Byte, CNET, Salon.com, WEBTechniques, CNN.com, and a bunch you've never heard of. She lives in Minnesota with her husband and daughter. Email: eav_mm@comcast.net.