E. L. Todd

My journey to this profession was slightly unorthodox. I received my bachelor's degree in biological sciences, worked as an award-winning researcher, and worked various jobs to pay the bills. While I enjoyed every moment of this adventure, it wasn't my passion. I've been writing since I was a young girl and have read anything that I can get my hands on. When people ask me what my favorite book is, I always respond, "All of them."After I showed my work to my closest friends and gained their confidence, I realized that this is something I could commit my life to, something that I love. I never imagined--dreamed--that I could make a living as a writer. This is the greatest profession that I ever could have asked for, and I am so thankful for the support from everyone in my life. How many other jobs let you work in your pajamas?I'm very grateful that I've had success with my various series. The Forever and Always Series is very close to my heart. I realize all the characters are fictitious, but in reality, they are real people living in my mind...as creepy as that sounds.The Hawaiian Crush Series, The Essence Series, The Soul Saga, and the Southern Love Series are all also extensions of who I am, just played out in word. It's the greatest job in the world to explore different places and people and actually get to write about it. What makes it even better is when people love reading it.When I receive fan mail through email, my website, or on Goodreads, I'm extremely flattered and humbled that people take the time out of their lives to compliment my work. I appreciate all the love and support. Without it, I would be nothing. I really would.With an infinite number of ideas in my mind, I will continue to write as long as people wish. I'm just grateful I have such a wonderful audience.People have asked me personal questions about my life. I'm flattered that people show any interest, especially since I'm not very interesting, but here are a few things you may not know about me:I'm a lefty. But I also write upside down (not on the computer.) I'm pretty weird...I hate strawberries but love them in my oatmeal.I have an unusual obsession with dogs, cats, and all pets, but I don't own one...yet. Let's see what the hubby says.I worked in a lab for a long time then became a high school science teacher. I loved my job very much, and adored my students. But writing is my dream job, and I was fortunate enough to pursue it.My closest friends are the people I met in high school, but I've made even closer connections with peers from college. And now I'm fortunate enough to have some amazing author friends.I love sweets. I love sweets. It's a sickness....My favorite band (currently) is Mumford and Sons. I've placed a few of their lyrics in my novels because they are totally awesome.Connected by the Sea (Hawaiian Crush #1) has some factual knowledge as a basis. Years ago, when my boyfriend took me to the aquarium, we stared at the seahorses for a long time. That's when he locked his pinky with mine and said, "Seahorses mate for life. Will you be mine?" Super cute! I know!Only for You was originally called MegaShake. For those of you who've read it, you'll understand why.And I don't share milk products with people...that's also something I incorporated into my books.That's all I can think of...but that may have been too much information.Thanks for all the support. You totally rule!(less)Please subscribe to my newsletter at www.eltoddbooks.comFollow me on Twitter E_L_Todd42