Fiston Mwanza Mujila

Fiston Mwanza Mujila was born in 1981 in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo and now lives in Graz, Austria. His writing has been awarded with numerous prizes, including the Gold Medal at the 6th Jeux de la Francophonie in Beirut as well as the Best Text for Theater ("Preis fu ̈r das beste Stu ̈ck", State Theater, Mainz) in 2010. His texts have been published in journals and anthologies across Europe, and he has been performing at readings and festivals since 2002. Tram 83 is Fiston's first novel, originally published in French by E ́ditions Me ́tailie ́. It has been shortlisted for and won numerous literary prizes, and has been translated into eight languages.