Fred Glover is Chief Scientific Officer of Entanglement, Inc., USA, in charge of algorithmic design and strategic planning for applications of combinatorial optimization in quantum computing. He also holds the title of Distinguished University Professor, Emeritus, at the University of Colorado, Boulder, associated with the College of Engineering and Applied Science and the Leeds School of Business. He is known for his innovations in the area of metaheuristics including the computer-based optimization methodology of Tabu search an adaptive memory programming algorithm for mathematical optimization, and the associated evolutionary Scatter Search and Path Relinking algorithms.
His past and present editorial positions include serving as first Editor-in-Chief and Co-founder of the Journal of Heuristics, Area Editor, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Area Editor, Mathematics of Industrial Systems, Area Editor, Annals of Operations Research, Associate Editor, Management Science, Associate Editor, Operations Research, Honorary Editor, International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, and Special Issue Editor, European Journal of Operational Research.