Gustave Glotz

Gustave Glotz was a French historian of ancient Greece. He was a supporter of the theory that history never follows a simple, logical course.
Glotz studied at the École normale supérieure, and in 1885 received the agrégation d'histoire, a competitive examination in France designed to recruit teachers for secondary school positions. In 1907, he succeeded Paul Guiraud as professor of Greek history at the Sorbonne. In 1920, he became a member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, and was named its president in 1928. His work on the economic history of Greece and the ancient Greek city is particularly noted. Le travail dans la Grèce ancienne is well known in the English translation Ancient Greece at Work, as is his Cité Grecque as The Greek City and Its Institutions.
According to Glotz, the first humans to arrive in Greece were semi-nomadic shepherds from the Balkans. Their society was based on a patriarchal clan, whose members were all descendant from the same ancestor and all worshiped the same deity. Unions between several clans resulted in "fraternités", or armed groups.