Gini Graham Scott

GINI GRAHAM SCOTT, Ph.D., J.D., is a nationally known writer, consultant, speaker, and seminar/workshop leader, specializing in recreation and leisure, business and work relationships, and in professional and personal development. She has published over two dozen games and has developed dozens of social interaction, communication, and business games for workshops. She has published over 50 books on diverse subjects, among them a series of books on enjoying your work and leisure. These include: Enjoy! 101 Little Things to Do to Add Fun to Your Work Everyday, The Creative Traveler, and Fantasy Worlds, as well as four books on using your powers of visualization, imagination, and creativity: The Empowered Mind, How to Harness the Creative Force Within You; Mind Power: Picture Your Way to Success; The Innovative Edge; and Want It, See It, Get It!. She is founder and owner of Changemakers Publishing and Writing and Changemakers Productions, and has been a featured expert guest on hundreds of TV and radio shows, including Oprah and Good Morning America. Her Websites for writing and books are at and Scott additionally writes screenplays, mostly in the crime, legal thriller, and sci-fi genres, including RICH AND DEAD, COKE AND DIAMONDS, DEADLY AFFAIR, FLARE UP, DEAD NO MORE, THE NEW CHILD, NEW IDENTITY, and DELUSION. She produced, directed, wrote, cast, and sometimes directed over 40 short films and trailers, which can be viewed at and at a game and toy designer, Scott has over two dozen games with major game companies, including Hasbro, Pressman, and Mag-Nif. Two new games were introduced by Briarpatch in 2007. She has a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California in Berkeley, a J.D. from the University of San Francisco Law School, and M.A.s in Anthropology; Mass Communications and Organizational/Consumer/Audience Behavior, and Popular Culture and Lifestyles from California State University, East Bay. She is getting an MS in Recreation and Tourism at Cal State.Scott has received national media exposure for her books, including appearances on Good Morning America, Oprah, Montel Williams, and CNN. She has been the producer and host of a talk show series, CHANGEMAKERS, featuring interviews on various types of change. Additional information is at