Glenda Larke

Glenda Larke grew up in Australia. She earned a degree in history and a diploma in education at the University of Western Australia. She has taught English in Australia, Vienna, Tunisia and Malaysia. Larke's first novel, Havenstar was published in 1998 under her married name of Glenda Noramly. In 2003 she returned to the fantasy genre under the name of Glenda Larke. She is the author of The Isles of Glory trilogy which includes The Aware, Gilfeather and The Tainted. Her second trilogy The Mirage Makers includes Heart of the Mirage, The Shadow of Tyr and Song of the Shiver Barrens. In 2015 she won the Ditmar Award in the Best Novel Category for her title The Lasscar's Dagger. Her series, The Watergivers, which includes The Last Stormlord, Stormlord Rising, and Stormlords Exile, won the 2015 Aurealis Awards Sara Douglass Book Series Award.