Hermawan Kartajaya

Hermawan Kartajaya is an Indonesian author and public speaker in the area of marketing studies. In 2000, Kartajaya co-authored "Repositioning Asia: From Bubble to Sustainable Economy" with Philip Kotler. In it they analysed why the Asian crisis of 1997 occurred, and outlined what the governments and companies of the region could do to develop more sustainably in the future. Kartajaya’s expert analysis, in-depth knowledge, and strategic thinking, won him acclaim from many of his peers. Al Ries said of him “The positioning of Hermawan Kartajaya in marketing is unique. He is a combined ‘product’ of Western mind, Asia heart and Indonesian soul. Every company must get his advice.” 2002 saw him team up with Kotler again in their book "Rethinking Marketing: Sustainable Marketing Enterprise.