Jacques Robert

Jacques Robert is a Professor of Biological Oncology at the University of Bordeaux, France and currently teaches cell biology, basic oncology and molecular pharmacology to medical and scientific students, with special courses on new developments in cancer targeted therapies. He is an oncobiologist at the department of Biopathology of Institut Bergonié, the Comprehensive cancer centre of Bordeaux, and is responsible for the routine and specialised clinical chemistry tests performed in patients. His research activities at INSERM U916 are focused on the molecular determinants of the activity of anticancer drugs, both at the levels of the patient’s genome (pharmacogenetics) and at the level of the tumour genome (pharmacogenomics). This activity is developed on both in vitro and in vivo models and at the level of clinical studies aiming at identifying the genetic factors involved in the efficiency and toxicity of classical and targeted anticancer drugs, especially in colorectal, head-and-neck and breast cancers.