Jay Tucker

Jay Tucker is a lifelong South Floridian. Growing up in Naples, FL gave Jay year-long sun and the foundation for the desire to stay active. This desire pointed him in the direction of education, where he holds a Bachelor Degree from Florida Gulf Coast University. Jay has been married to his wife Kimberly, since 1995. Together they have two beautiful children, Sarah Kay and William Monroe II. After two years in the classroom and a 9/11 shortened stint as a national educational/motivational speaker, Jay finally answered God?s call in his life to enter fulltime youth ministry.That career has spanned 15+ years as both a volunteer and a fulltime salaried employee in the church.Over the years, Jay has attended many youth worker conferences and events. It was during one of those events when Jay made a sobering discovery: a large percentage of his fellow youth workers were extremely overweight. This began a journey into how to help himself and other youth workers achieve and maintain the optimal level of health that will allow us to minister at our full potential.For updates on the latest tips and best practices for youth ministry, please visit my new site www.JayTucker.net.