Jeff Ansell

Jeff Ansell is an award-winning investigative journalist, TV news anchor, radio host, keynotes speaker, and media and crisis communications trainer. His radio documentary exposing corrupt physicians, Pillers of Parkdale, was nominated for the Canadian Governor General’s Award for public service in journalism and earned him top honors from the Radio Television Digital News Association for the most significant contribution to the improvement of news gathering. Jeff lectured at two MBA courses at Harvard Business School and co-chaired and taught the Dealing with an Angry Public course offered by the MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program, affiliated with the Harvard Kennedy School. His book When the Headline is You: An Insider’s Guide to Handling the Media was a top seller in the PR category of Amazon, and his video program Communicating with Confidence on LinkedIn Learning regularly receives the highest rankings from viewers worldwide. Jeff was an avid world traveler. He lived with his wife, Annie, in Toronto, Ontario until his passing in 2021.