John McCabe

McCabe's first book was Surgery Electives: What to Know Before the Doctor Operates. It was an exposé of the financial ties of the medical school, hospital, pharmaceutical, and health insurance industries whose unethical business practices result in the deaths of tens of thousands of people in the U.S. every year. The book was endorsed by some congresspersons and by all of the patients' rights groups in North America. McCabe also wrote a Plastic Surgery Hopscotch. Published in 1995, it detailed many of the risks involved with the various surgeries, and in dealing with the medical industry in general. Realizing that medical care in Western culture is largely the end result of horrible dietary choices centered around toxic foods, McCabe turned to writing about how a plant-based diet can prevent and reverse a wide variety of diseases while also protecting the environment. Becoming an advocate for raw plant-based nutrition, McCabe coined the term raw vegan. Raw vegan is now an internationally recognized term defining what is becoming an increasingly popular dietary choice rich in the nutrients on which humans thrive in health. In 2007 McCabe's Sunfood Living: Resource Guide to Global Health was published by Random House and North Atlantic Books. McCabe is also the author of the reference book Sunfood Traveler: Global Guide to Raw Food Culture. It includes a variety of short chapters on various topics and includes a country-by-country list of raw vegan restaurants, chefs, businesses, and retreats, and also natural foods stores. McCabe wrote the 2011 book, Sunfood Diet Infusion: Transforming Health and Preventing Disease through Raw Veganism. McCabe's book, Vegan Myth Vegan Truth, was published in 2013. McCabe repurposed some of his previous writings while adding additional chapters and a vast quantity of quotations from a variety of people voicing their concerns for animals and advocating for the health, cultural, and environmental benefits of a vegan diet. As a way to expose the dire situation of the damaged environment, McCabe's Extinction: The Death of Waterlife on Planet Earth was published in 2012. McCabe is the author of Marijuana & Hemp: History, Uses, Laws, and Controversy, which details the world's most useful plant. McCabe's Raw Vegan Easy Healthy Recipes was published in 2013. As an author of numerous books and a ghost co-author of many books by other writers, McCabe has had his hand in more raw vegan books than any other writer.