K. D. West

The author of the Erotic Tales: Letters to Allison and Juliet Takes Flightstory cycles as well as the up-coming novel A Joy Forever: An Erotic Education, K.D. West is a teacher, writer and performer living in a small suburb of a big city:“Not a huge amount to say — I’m an author of steamy stories who happens to be a teacher; these things don’t mix well in public, so I tend to be fairly quiet about real life in my blogging. I am, however, interested in all sorts of things — books, writing, theater, mythology, and, obviously, erotica! I’m a huge reader of genre fiction — mostly mysteries and fantasy, but also science fiction and historical romance.”West is working on two intertwined series involving a young woman and her older lover (the Juliet Takes Flight and Erotic Tales: Letters to Allison stories) and a series of stories about friends discovering that they can become much more (Friendly Ménage Tales). Also on the way:By the Numbers, an erotic paranormal/urban fantasy novel involving a long lost friend coming all-but-literally back from the dead, and showing a happily married couple just what they’d been missing.You can follow K.D. West on WordPress, Twitter (@KDWestWrites), Facebook,Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr, or evenLinkedIn.