Kaushik Pal

Professor (Dr.) Kaushik Pal is a Distinguished Research Professor and group leader at University Federal Rio de Janeiro, Biosensor Research Laboratory, RJ, Brazil. He has been the Distinguished Chair Professor at Wuhan University, Hubei, Republic of China. He worked as a Visiting Professor at IIUCN, School of Energy Materials, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala and also served as Research Professor at Bharath University, Chennai (India). He received his Ph.D. from University of Kalyani. Most significant prestigious awards include Marie-Curie Experienced Researcher (Postdoctoral Fellow) offered by the European Commission in Greece and Brain Korea (BK-21) National Research Foundation Visiting Scientist Fellowship in South Korea achieved in his research career. He was appointed Senior Postdoctoral Fellow at Wuhan University, China and within a year achieved a prestigious position Chief-Scientist & Faculty (CAS) Fellow by Chinese Academy of Science.