Leslie Walker Wilson

Leslie Walker Wilson is committed to helping school systems, parents, principals, teachers, and students understand how data can be used to improve teaching and learning. She has demonstrated her commitment to continuous improvement, particularly for the benefit of children, throughout her 30-year career in education.After completing a bachelor's and master's degree in psychology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Dr. Wilson joined the faculty of a major medical school, where she conducted program evaluation research and provided educational staff development to medical school faculty for 11 years. Later, she joined the Maryland State Department of Education, where she participated in the development of a statewide accountability program and related assessment design and implementation. She completed a doctorate in measurement, statistics, and evaluation at the University of Maryland in 1990.Dr. Wilson has devoted most of her career to student-focused strategic planning at the school and district levels. As the director of student assessment and program evaluation for a Maryland school system, she was responsible for designing reports to convey student and school performance. Her desire to see the reports come alive put her in schools and classrooms where she provided training on their use in instructional planning. Since her retirement, she has spent most of her time as a consultant to the Maryland State Department of Education and as a national consultant on the topics of accountability, data analysis, and the use of data in school improvement. Dr. Wilson understands that behind every number is the future of a child. Through her work in schools and with teachers, she has witnessed the impact of effective school leadership on student achievement.In her spare time, Dr. Wilson serves as an advocate for children's health and wellness by participating on the board of directors of a Baltimore nonprofit organization. She also remains active in the Universit