Linda Lightsey Rice, a native of South Carolina and author of the novel Southern Exposure, first published by Doubleday, has been called "a fiery, incandescent talent" by novelist Pat Conroy. Southern Exposure was nominated for the PEN Hemingway Award, was selected by The Literary Guild, and an excerpt from the book appeared in the anthology The American South published in Germany. The author was a 2004 recipient of the McKnight Fellowship in Creative Prose and has won awards from the Jerome Foundation, the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of New Mexico, Virginia Commonwealth University, the Loft Literary Center, and the Hawthornden Castle International Retreat for Writers in Scotland. She has taught creative writing at the University of Tennessee, the College of St. Catherine, the Chautauqua Institution, and at the Loft Literary Center, and continues to give a series of independent novel workshops. A former newspaper reporter who also worked in the NY publishing industry early in her career, she presently lives in Minneapolis and in the Southeast.