M. Donald Hancock

M. Donald Hancock is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for European Studies at Vanderbilt University. He is the author of West Germany: The Politics of Democratic Corporatism (1989) and co-author and co-editor of Managing Modern Capitalism: Industrial Renewal and Workplace Democracy in Western Europe and the United States (1992, together with John Logue and Bernt Schiller). His research focuses on the political economy of Sweden, Germany, and the European Community. Helga A. Welsh holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Munich and for several years was a research fellow at the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich. She has held visiting appointments at the University of South Carolina and the University of Arizona, and is currently Visiting Assistant Professor at Wake Forest University. She specializes in European politics and has published in the areas of German history and politics and in comparative East European Studies.