Mal Austin

Mal Austin is a professional photographer with more than 26 years experience in many fields of the craft. He owned and operated his own shop-front studio for 18 years and rose high in the rankings of people photography especially weddings in his city of Melbourne, Australia. In 2000 he radically changed direction forming Givenworks Publishing as a vehicle for landscape imagery, wall art and publishing. Whilst all his products can be seen at the Givenworks' web site they can also be found in Christian bookstores and tourist venues throughout Australia. This is Mal's sixth title adding to 'Psalmscapes', 'A season of Rest', 'A Season of Love', 'A Season of Possibilities' and 'A Season of Comfort' Mal is especially known for his use of the panoramic camera and film which he still delights in using whilst continually perfecting new digital see people grow in their love and knowledge of God.