Martin Hardie

Martin Hardie, has managed bands (such as the Laughing Clowns and Warumpi band) and worked in Aboriginal Art and Craft centres. He has been a solicitor, and a barrister, acting in matters concerning administrative law and constitutional law, and particularly, as counsel for Australian Indigenous artists in their quest for copyright protection, the challenge by the East Timorese Resistance to Australian legislation implementing an agreement with the Republic of Indonesia concerning the division of East Timor's oil and gas resources, and, in a case concerning legislation in Australia legalising euthanasia. He has also been an advisor to various members of the former East Timorese resistance and government, a university lecturer, a cyclist, cycling journalist and team manager. He has lived in the Australia, the UK, Timor Leste, Panama, Mozambique and the basque Country. He currently lives in Australia and teaches law at Deakin University. He spends his time with the ambition of becoming the archetype of life within communism; at the break of dawn a sea kayaker, during the day a teacher and a cook, cyber-conspiracist and correspondent, in the afternoons a student and philosopher and, at nights, simply pleasant company. His home at http: //