Miranda Lee

Miranda Lee was born at Port Macquarie, a seaside town of New South Wales, Australia. After leaving her convent school, which she attended from age 11 to 17, Lee briefly studied the cello before moving to Sydney, where she became interested in computers. Lee then attempted greyhound training, as well as horse and goat breeding, but still hadn't found her niche. Her sister suggested writing romances, so Lee decided to try it out. It took a decade of trial and error before her first romance, After the Affair, was accepted and published. Lee began writing in 1981 and sent out her first manuscript in 1982. After the Affair was accepted for publication in 1988 and published in 1990. That same year her second book, An Obsessive Desire was published. Lee is the author of over fifty novels for Harlequin Mills & Boon.