Molly Brodak

Molly Brodak was born in Michigan on March 29, 1980. She was a poet, writer, and baker. For a time, she was also a lecturer in English and humanities at Augusta State University in Augusta, Georgia. Her poetry collection, A Little Middle of the Night, was published in 2010 and won the Iowa Poetry Prize. Her next poetry collection, The Cipher, is due to be published in October 2020. Her work has appeared in Granta, Guernica, Poetry, the Colorado Review, FIELD, Ninth Letter, the Journal, the Northwest Review, the Laurel Review, the New Orleans Review, the Hayden's Ferry Review, and in other media. She wrote a memoir entitled, Bandit: A Daughter's Memoir, in which she talked about life with her father, a compulsive liar and bank robber. Her talent as a baker was seen when she appeared on ABC's The Great American Baking Show in 2019. She went on to start a home baking business, Kookie House. Molly Brodak died on March 8, 2020 at the age of 39.