Panos Macheras is Emeritus Professor (since September 2014) of the Department of Pharmacy, University of Athens. He is the Founder (1of the Laboratory of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics at the University of Athens. He established the PharmaInformatics Unit of the Research and Innovation Center ATHENA; he is currently the Head of the Unit.Adjunct Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo, USA He received his B. Pharm. and Ph.D degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Athens, Greece. He also received a Ph.D degree in Biopharmaceutics-Pharmacokinetics from King's College, University of London, U.K. He has published more than 180 journal articles (more than 6500 citations, h=40) and seven books in the field of Biopharmaceutics-Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics. His research interests include experimental, theoretical and computational (modeling and simulation) studies on drugdissolution, release, gastrointestinal absorption, protein binding, drug-cyclodextrins interaction, bioequivalence, biopharmaceuitc classification of drugs, pharmacokinetics, fractal and fractional kinetics, applications of fractal concepts in biopharmaceutical systems and nonlinear dynamics. He serves on the Editorial Board of the journals, Pharmaceutical Research, International Journal of Pharmaceutics and European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.