Priya Ardis

#1 New Release (Middle Grade/YA Fantasy Thriller) -- Girl with Three EyesPriya Ardis writes Blood&Treasure fantasy romances which include coming of age, bad boys, globe-trotting, and a spoonful of sassy banter. Her bestselling series, My Boyfriend Merlin, incorporates all the feels. Her award-winning series, Merlin Raj, about a service dog can be found under her penname D. G. Priya.How did the idea for Girl WithThree Eyes came about?Fragments of Girl With Three Eyes has beenrunning around my head for over fifteen years. I wanted to write a fantasy thatcombined school and sports but also a futuristic fairy tale. The school elementcame from reading Enid Blyton stories when I was little. The Enid Blytonstories were fun stories about school adventures.The sports element came from two places. Iwent snowboarding for the first time and loved it. I wondered what it wouldtake to make it a competition. I began watching the X-Games and loved the spinsand speed of going downhill on picture perfect slopes. I'd also picked uprunning and getting healthier at this point. I wanted to add this competitiveelement to my stories which I felt becomes overlooked in girls. Despite all theadvantages in gaining self-confidence and health both physical and mental, 50%of girls drop out of sport by the time they reach high school.The last dimension of Girl With Three Eyesis one close to the heart. I was thrilled to be able to do a story where Icould include elements of Hindu lore. Finally, immersing into theworld of a futuristic India reconnects me to my own culture!I hope you enjoy Girl With Three Eyes andall the layers I've loved building into this story! But, most of all, writing astrong but vulnerable protagonist gives you something in which to sink yourteeth.