Richard Albion

Richard Albion lives in San Mateo California with his wife (Who is the pillar which supports him) two grown children out of the nest, and multiple rescued animals making the nest better. He is a European melting pot, exceptional cook, clothing designer, artist and writer of erotic Fem-Dom fiction. Graduate of both UK and US colleges. Retired Sales professional now engaged in working on the artistic side of life. Enjoys travel, volunteering, martial arts, San Francisco and NorCal weather. Cannot live too far from the ocean-its genetic.Richards novels are contemporary, erotic BDSM, Fem Dom, love stories. The first series, Maid to Serve, Maid for Service, and Maid in Service track one man's journey into submission and finding physical and psychological satisfaction but most of all love. "Bodies in the Bay" is a mystery/thriller with erotic BDSM overtones. Also available a gender flip the "Mistress of O",O is now male. Waiting on Siren, one mans journey into submission. The latest soon to be published Secrets Unveiled, a mystery/thriller with romance and revenge.