Rosalind Driver

The Authors Rosalind Driver is Professor of Science Education at King's College, London. She has a long-standing research interest in the ways that young people learn science in formal and informal educational settings. She is author of The Pupil as Scientist? and co-author of Childrens' Ideas in Science. Before working at the University of Leeds, John Leach was in charge of chemistry in a local high school. His research interest focus upon the role of epistemology in the development of conceptual understanding in science and the role of school science in promoting scientific literacy. He is also involved in the training of science teachers. Robin Millar is Senior Lecturer in Educational Studies at the University of York, where he is involved in the initial and in-service education of science teachers and in curriculum development. His principal interests are students' understanding of science concepts and procedures and the public understanding of science. Phil Scott is a Lecturer in Science Education at the University of Leeds and pursues research interests relating to teaching and learning science concepts at high school level.