Ruth G Juliano

Ruth G Juliano grew up in the Western suburbs of Sydney, Australia. An interesting few years of misadventure and various living environments and locations provided valuable life experience and furthered her love of, and interest in, people. While the diagnosis of a rare form of ovarian cancer in 2002 resulted in extensive scarring, experimental chemotherapy treatment, and physiological changes, it also brought with it an appreciation of life and the adoption of a new philosophy - "Don't ask why, ask why not." A mother of three and currently working full time in a niche area of justice, she doesn't believe in wasting time or judging books by their covers. She says: "I find people fascinating. They're complex. What motivates them and why they do the things they do is what sparked the Ruthless Beings saga. When I write, conversations are important, love has no limitations, and judging people on superficial things will only lead to trouble."