S. Bryan Gonzales

About Bryan Gonzales... Bryan is guy with a big, warm heart. Born and raised in Montana, he grew up with a strong sense of commitment. Just as he’s determined to do his best in working and studying, he strives to give 100% toward the relationships in his life. He believes we should never take people for granted. Bryan’s mission, with Under the Big Sky, is to tell the reader the worth of friends. Bar-none, we need each other—through thick and thin. In a day and age where people are quick to toss in the dishrag, it’s his desire to challenge that attitude and encourage us to hang in there—especially with those we love. There is NOTHING that cannot be worked through—even though it might seem impossible, unlivable at the moment. Even more important... violence should NEVER be an option. Attending Northwestern College in Minneapolis—graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology of Counseling/Ministries, Bryan has come to acknowledge that we are ALL important—that we are not the ‘cheap commodity’ which contemporary culture continually claims. Bryan has worked at the University of Louisville as a Program Coordinator for the 1st and 2nd year medical students. He is currently employed at Indiana State University—coordinating their distance and alternative education programs in a rural area called the Hoosier Uplands.