Sergio Vila-Sanjuán

DIVSergio Vila-Sanjuán (b. 1957), one of Spain’s best-known cultural journalists, is the coordinator of the Cultura/s supplement of the newspaper La Vanguardia. He received a history degree from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and later, as a Fulbright scholar at Boston University, obtained a master of arts degree. Vila-Sanjuán has published several books on journalism and was commissioner of the Barcelona Year of the Book and Reading in 2005. His first novel, A Barcelona Heiress, inspired by historic events and by his discovery of a manuscript by his grandfather, received enthusiastic reviews and is currently being translated into several languages. His second novel, Estaba en el aire (It was in the air), set in Barcelona in the 1960s, won the 2013 Premio Nadal Award. /div